Thursday, July 5, 2012

Joys of Parenting: Wa-Wa

It has been amazing watching my oldest son grow and learn.  Especially lately.  He seems to be learning new words daily, and understanding more and more about his world.  Today was a great day.  He is a kid who has a one-track mind.  If you tell him we are going to do something, go somewhere, or get something, he will repeat it over, and over, and over, and over, and over (do you get the idea???) until it happens, we get there, or he gets it.  Today we went to the park.  He said park every 20 seconds- if not more frequent- making sure that we were in fact going to the park and needed the reassurance that 'yes, we are going to the park,' so that he wouldn't get upset.  We told him that when we get home we could have ice cream, and said 'ice' the entire drive home to make sure he was getting some ice cream.  We told him our plan that as soon as we got home, dad would jump out of the car, run into the garage, and get our ice cream.  So he did alternate use of 'garage' and 'ice' so he understood the plan!

Today we also watched "Pluto."  This was his fisrt exposure to the old Disney cartoons.  He was watching very intently as we would explain little things- oh no, he got hurt, he fell into the snow pile, he found the bone, etc.  It was fun to watch him pick up on little things and even begin to tell us what happened- oh no, snow, bone, etc.

While he is learning so many things, I've pondered what kind of concepts he hasn't picked up on yet.  As he gets older, I have been wondering about how potty training will go.  We already bought him a potty, hoping he might get interested in it to make potty training easier.  But I got to thinking...  I don't know if he truly understands what it means to pee?  He knows when his diaper is wet, but has he really made the connection to how it happened?  He understands that mommy and daddy have to go potty and is even able to offer up the sound effects (pssssssssssss).  But when we ask if he needs to pee, does he understand what we mean??  Well today I found out I'm pretty sure he doesn't.  We had a beautiful, warm, sunny day.  After the park we put some water in his wading pool and let him walk and splash around.  I took his pants off before he got in so he was walking around in his diaper and t-shirt.  He kept squatting in the water trying to drink it.  He got the back of his shirt and bottom of his diaper wet and asked to take them off.  Sure, why not?  All kids should run naked at some point!!  I have to say, it was one of the cutest things.  (I'm not going to post any pictures or videos so I don't embarrass the poor little man, so you'll have to trust me!)  He tried to squat in the water a few times, but it was a little cold on his weenie.  The dog was barking, so he ran across the yard to try to tell him to stop.  He apparently sat on the runner on the car to take a load off.  But the best part was when he started peeing on the lawn. He stopped, watched the arc and pointed at the "wa-wa" (water), tried to get out as much wa-wa as he could, and then looked at us and asked for "more."  I have been chuckling about it all day since.  What a learning experience for him, I guess.  He's peed on the floor if I've let him walk around naked a little too long after bath, but never made much acknowledgement of the fact.  So this was fun to observe how much more aware of things he is, how much he is learning, but how much he has yet to learn. 

I enjoy every day with my boys.  It is the best thing in the world to watch them grow and learn and give them an opportunity to experience as much as we can offer!

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