Sunday, April 1, 2012

The new addition

It has been quite the adventure adding a new little guy to the family mix.  Cason Wesley Justice arrived a week and a half ago.  Thank goodness my mother was here to take care of Cael- in fact she had just gotten to the house an hour before I got home- and an hour later, we were out the door, on our way up to the hospital.  Thank goodness Cael took to her right away.  It was a long first night in the hospital.  We had been up since 5 AM (but hadn't slept much the night before anyways) had our new baby in our arms a little after 10 PM, and of course all he wanted to do was eat.  The nurse was sweet enough to try to occupy him for a little while so we could sleep, but he had other ideas. 

We had to stay 2 days in the hospital because I didn't get the antibiotics I needed 4 hours prior to his birth.  Cael did so well with my mom.  Andy brought my mom and Cael to the hospital around dinner time and he was a little unsure of what was going on, but no tears, loved playing with the buttons on the bed and remote, and of course getting into everything in the hospital room.  

Going home
The first few days at home went surprisingly well.  Cael was accepting of his new brother, but didn't interact with him too much- he was too busy playing- which was just fine! It was nice that there were 3 adults to take turns with the boys, cooking, laundry, showers, etc.  The day before my mom was to leave, Cael got sick.  Threw up all over himself and Andy, and all he wanted was to be held the remainder of the day.  Which was nice, becuase this kid had NEVER been a cuddler.  The day my mom left was kind of the same- he was very mellow, and all he wanted was to be held.  It was a little more challenging now with only 2 adults.  Thank goodness the neighbor was bringing dinner!!  One adult to one kid all day, taking turns as I needed to nurse or shower.  I discovered that Cael has a molar trying to come in and that is the biggest reason for his behavior change. 
cuddle time
We are on day 6 of this today, though.  It has been tough.  I think jealousy has kicked in a little, along with the teething pain.  Cael wants to be held and walked around, but usually only by mom, which is especially challenging when I am needing to nurse Cason.  Cael will cry and sit at my feet while I am nursing, and when Cason is done, Cael is ready to be in my arms again.  So, give Cason to daddy and Cael comes to walk with mommy.  I'm really hoping that by the time Andy goes back to work, some of this new behavior subsides.  Cason has been a pretty good sleeper, waking up twice a night to eat, and sleeps a lot during the day- even though we try to keep him awake.  This has been quite a blessing with all the changes in the household. 
I ordered a Moby sling and got it yesterday.  I tried it out this morning to free up my hands a little so that I could give attention to both boys.  That worked great!!  Cason got some mommy cuddle time- which made me feel better since I was really feeling like he was getting somewhat neglected on the cuddle time since Cael was sooo needy- and Cael had mommy to play with him and move around a bit more freely.  Thank goodness Cason is such an easygoing, mellow baby (just what we needed). 

Of course all these changes really challenge our patience, especially with Cael's pain, frustration, and jealousy.  He has been hitting a lot when he doesn't get his way or when dad tries to help him when mom can't.  When he hits we simply lie him on the ground and walk away and let him calm down.  When he's calmed down, he is asked to tell us sorry, and we move on.  Luckily we have been pretty easygoing as parents, and since we both work in the schools (me with special needs kids), we have a good understanding of the natural reactions and behaviors of kids and can roll with everything as it comes.  Crying is a natural communication and when you remember this, you don't get as worked up when your kids cry.  Especially at the infant stage when they cry when they are cold, hungry, have a dirty diaper, or their belly hurts.  I'm excited to watch the journey with our boys continue, and to watch how we grow as a family with all the ups and challenges that come with it!

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